
Empowering Neighbors.

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Strengthening Communities.

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Building Hope.

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Need Help?

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Hope Partnership

Hope Partnership aims to provide a holistic continuum of care in order to end homelessness and poverty in Central Florida. We will do this by connecting service providers, businesses, investors and clients with evidence based solutions and trauma-informed care practices in order to strengthen communities, empower our neighbors, and build hope.


Strengthening Communities Icon

Strengthening Communities

We provide relief to those experiencing poverty and homelessness with emergency services and direct care as part of the Housing First philosophy.

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We walk alongside our neighbors experiencing poverty to empower them with solutions to address the barriers preventing them from achieving self-determined success.

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House Icon


We are developing long-term solutions to ensure our community has a way to break the cycle of poverty.

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Strengthening Communities Icon


We couldn’t serve thousands of heartbeats each week without the helpful hands of volunteers. You can join us to help stock our shelves, make bags of healthy food items or distribute food to families in need.

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Client Stories

Headshot of Marc

Andrea and Andrew came down from Wisconsin with their son Gage, Daughter, Son in Law and grandson and ended up homeless. They had no money and no way of getting their IDs. They were lost trying to figure out what to do. They contacted our organization for help and were told to come to IDignity Osceola. Now that they have their IDs they are looking forward to going to school, getting jobs and a house!

Andrea, Andrew, and Gage

Headshot of Marc

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done for me. Not just what you've given me. But how you've made me feel. You make me feel human. You gave me hope."


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